Building Relationships, Making Progress

As an update, here's a look at how the student team, inspired and supported by The Carey Projects, is helping solve water scarcity. The Munk One Program team is taking important steps toward their water collection project for the community of Ihuanco, Peru.

In order to ensure successful execution and enable working relationships with local project contractors, the team has reached a key milestone. They managed several steps to formally register as a development NGO (non-governmental organization) in Peru.

In addition, aligned with the team’s goal of serving and supporting the community, they made a respectful and kind gesture to Ihuanco families facing economic hardship. For Christmas time, they offered more than 100 gifts as well as 170 loaves of Paneton, a traditional sweet bread enjoyed in Latin American countries during the season. The experience helped grow a relationship with the community, a key principle of The Carey Projects, in a way that Carey would have embraced.

For more details, see this blog post on the team’s progress.

Owen Davis